videos of GlaStars

GlaStar demo video

This is the demo video that Stoddard-Hamilton Inc. produced to introduce the GlaStar in 1996. It features footage of Tom Stoddard and Ted Setzer discussing the GlaStar’s design philosophy and handling characteristics. (Stoddard-Hamilton (1996). Used with permission).


City Lights

"VFR Night requires you to have at least one night landing in the last 90 days, to be able to take pax. Hard to get in the Summer light. In the Fall, is the time to get up to date. A nice sunset doesn't hurt" (Hellström, H. (2021). Used with permission).


GlaStar on floats

Stoddard-Hamilton Inc. created this video to demonstrate the formidable capabilities of the GlaStar on floats. GlaStar demonstration pilot Tim Johnson and GlaStar-builder Myron Aadland show how easy the GlaStar is to fly on floats. (Stoddard-Hamilton (2012). Used with permission).


Erstflug HB-YNE
[maiden flight]

Shot in 2011 in Mollis, Switzerland, this video features the maiden flight of HB-YNE, a GlaStar built and piloted by Captain Christian Stüssi after 11 years of construction (Stüssi, C. (2011). Used with permission).


Snowy December
Gothenburg, Sweden

"This much snow in early December is unusual. Took some effort to get the car out of the driveway and then the aircraft out of the hangar. Also removed the wheel pants to avoid packed snow cracking them up" (Hellström, H. (2021).

